
Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is specialized healthcare that emphasizes the improvement of strength, flexibility, and function of the musculoskeletal system through movement. Utilizing physical medicine through hands-on techniques, therapeutic exercise, and education to improve quality of life.

Once completed with your rehabilitation our team will design a program for you to follow along with at home in order to maintain, progress, and further improve upon your health, keeping you engaged in the activities you enjoy.

Free Wellness Screens

Unsure if physical therapy is right for you?

We offer free wellness screens which consist of face-to-face time with our licensed physical therapists, who may determine if physical therapy may be right for you. These wellness screens may assess various aspects of your overall function or may be catered to your specific concerns. Following your wellness screen, if you and your therapist determine that treatment may be beneficial, we may discuss further treatment options.

Along with your annual check up, it is recommended to regularly see your physical therapist in order to identify issues before they progress. Using a combination of medical history, movement screening, physical testing, we may highlight areas of improvement and identify areas that may be prone to injury.

Power Wheelchair & POV Scooter Evaluations

We understand that mobility in and out of the home is important to you. We work closely with your physician and insurance provider in order to coordinate with local medical suppliers to ensure you get the necessary assistive devices to aid in your mobility. Following your initial evaluation, we will offer additional treatment options to aid in your or your family’s return to independence in and out of the home.

Choosing a mobility device requires great consideration. We offer consultation to provide you the information you need to select the best options to fit your lifestyle.

Power Wheelchairs may come in different configurations, but most advance upon the basic design of your standard wheelchair. They may be customized based on the needs of each patient, including pressure relief seating, various steering options, long distance battery options, and color options

Power Operated Vehicles or Mobility Scooters are universal in design offering easy to use controls and durable build. They use a handlebar or “tiller” style control and may come in three and four-wheeled options.